It amuses me how the new trend is Fashion. Everyone LOVES it. Everyone lives and breathes for Vintage and Vogue Fashion. In love with the roots but don't know squat about nothing of it. I was on a few peoples myspaces and what not, and i notice the type of images they had on their pages and it was Vogue but it was primarily Caucasians like they were the only ones to represent beauty. & I'd like to add these pages were ran by African Americans. Horrid to see that the world still views beauty in a sense of light skin complexion, light eyes, long hair etc. Cause the most beautiful people that I identify with are of African Decent, and they are some of the most beautiful people to me.

I watch America's Next Top Model from time to time and i watch how they transform an ugly duckling to a beauty queen every season. Find the inner beauty of a person and let that represent the truth of one's beauty. But who are we as people to judge what the world should view as beautiful? Although we usually agree, but its only because majority always wins. If you watched America's Next Top Model from the beginning you would definitely remember Shandi. The Walgreen's employer who auditioned for America's Next Top Model because she was tall. She was 5'10 but with her terrible posture stood at about 5'8 in a half, didn't have much confidence, but i remember her telling the camera's after her make over. AFTER Tyra created her beauty the way she wanted, Shandi admitting that she "finally feels beautiful". It was a lovely moment for Shandi, but why did it take a make over from who she truly was to a standard view of who she should be for her to feel an ounce of confidence. Its all the media. But no one can stop it.

And who could EVER forget the lovely Tocarra Jones from ANTM cycle 3. A Plus size model with a Plus size spunky attitude. Such a lovely girl. and no matter how much Tyra loved her, i knew that she would not make it to the end. But she's doing well for herself. So who cares.

The ultimate winner of Cycle three was the lovely Miss Eva Pigford. A more slimmer soft lady if i could say so myself. She was my favorite for the entire process of the contest. She was one of the shortest women in the house who held a very defensive with an guard up on life, however for soft at the same time. although a lot of the women in the house began not to like her very much, she still battled strong and said,"This is a contest, not a best friend club house. No one has to like me but Tyra."lol. and she was right about that.
She's definitely something to cherish in the photo industry.

The black men in the industry are also coming in style now a days. But it seems like besides Tyson Beckford, its hard for African American Males to be Supermodels. Maybe because the requirements for males are even harder to maintain. You must have 0% body fat, all muscle, and your face has to be as soft as a babies bottom. Good luck Fella's. However, i do enjoy Black Male models better. Go figure tho, right. lol

Y'all already know that the children are on the rise mos def. I am AMAZED by this Lil lady who goes by the name Diva Davonna. She is about 8 years old, but she is out working some of these models now a days. She is the BOMB.com mos def.
check her out in the video.
This is all for now. I was just in the mood for a little fashion that's all :)
EVEN THO! i just wrote an entire blog about how beautiful black models are. BUT, one of my all time favorite Models are Omahyra Mota, Dominican Republic and models for a lot of Spaniard and European Photographers so she does a lot of nudiety shots, and a lot aggressive imagery. Here's a few shots for yall. Check her out.

feed back.
what do you think of fashion?
Whats your personal style like, tell me.
& what is your favorite genera of fashion?
1 comment:
I def. like the way that the europeans do it, its a whole different style. Yeah, Black is beautiful, and Tyson is real attractive.
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