It all begin when she involuntarily Simmered in the nurture from a plastic bosom.
Swift midst of an ordinary day accompanied with rose pedals and candy kisses included. She So eagerly Set forth to Mount the love of the enemy...
Swift midst of an ordinary day accompanied with rose pedals and candy kisses included. She So eagerly Set forth to Mount the love of the enemy...
who would've imagined this quest to be placed high on a shimmering pedestal? Above sight like a lost favorite object. Forgotten, But forever Cherished. With Images so proudly thumb tacked to her soul of a ungodly excursion and viewed upon by every passerby.Displayed with pride like rainbows and wedding rings.Planned to Never be replaced, however joined by smaller images amongst the frame. branching off still hopelessly attached mirroring little helpers. To help guide her back to a road with less forks and more gloom and righteousness.
Left alone shouting so loudly in almost a whisper. Freed of heart,soul, and glory. Pierced the consumer straight in a battle wound again opened and closed once before, so sweet. Adding extra red to his heart. Starting at white and with every beat darkening until reaching black, thus such an enchantment be named something short of...sin
What greater joy is there but to Set sail, elongated in bliss, involuntarily & Nurtured with the one your fingertips lusts for? A soul that your eyes constructs water like an orgasm when laid upon. Nurtured like life of a miracle child, with a destiny to search until brought; here.
To be Sprouted and smiled upon like the last sunflower of spring. Commemorate only the present tense through the eyes of the golden gated vision, but devour in the memories, in the essence, the passion held, as if only this avail were the only occasion given this lifetime.
You must never fall in love with---Beauty, Beast. For she'll cause your timeline many dashes of illusion and... grief. Like a summer where the sun is at its brightest, sweet and at a gleaming ease. You must steal away as much shine as possible before times tic-toc cascades the agony of envy and like a thief, run into the night. Simply, Left to smile in remembrance of Beauty in which Beast, you loved so wickedly.
It all begin when she involuntarily Simmered in the nurture from a plastic bosom.
Swift midst of an ordinary day accompanied with rose pedals and candy kisses included. She So eagerly Set forth to Mount the love of the enemy...
Swift midst of an ordinary day accompanied with rose pedals and candy kisses included. She So eagerly Set forth to Mount the love of the enemy...
Signed ; Yoshi