Walking upon a surface, with a texture that has never crossed my thoughts...
i suddenly feel as though I'm walking atop rose pedals
laid across the clouds of the highest degree
when my mind wonders to the existence of you and me.
what a crazy question you've asked, "Do i ever miss you"
At time I miss you like summer misses spring
how a dying bee is missing his sting
I miss you so much sometimes, i schedule special time just to day dream
cause well, that's the next best thing
i be...missing you like, a hooked fish misses water
Like a bastard misses his father
or an incarcerated man misses his daughter
i find myself missing you so much, i write stupid blogs about it
i be thinking about you like feet thinks about walking
how hands thinks about touching
and holding
and feeling
thinking about you how a 17 year old virgins think about sex
like how mathematics cant stop thinking of solutions for y and x
sometimes i miss you so much its like I've never met you before
and I'm constently in my thoughts building the one i adore
other times i miss you so much
i tell my mind to think of something else
and now I'm thinking about not thinking about what i cant stop thinking about
I'm usually thinking of you how an artist thinks of creating
how bitters think of remaking
how athletes think of winning
how tops think of spinning
how dancers think rhythm
i be thinking about you like how a person with cancer thinks about living.
What a crazy question you've asked, " Do i every miss you"
even if i told you, you wouldn't have a clue
Beautifully written. Let me tell you...
maaan... i absoloutely LOVE this. its soo REAL. you've kaPtured like all my emotions.
!!!!!! she should own a copy..
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